How to Tip a Massage Therapist

Big thanks to massage therapists who dedicate their lives to relieving us of muscle aches and pain which result from stress or accidents. Massage therapy uses hands-on skills and techniques in moving body tissues and muscles to relieve tension, aid the healing of injuries and improve posture.

When you finish a session with a masseuse feeling alive and rejuvenated, you might want to show appreciation by giving a tip. Does the 15%-25% tipping rule matter? Is it necessary to tip a masseuse? This article will answer these questions and more as you read patiently.

How Much Should You Tip For a 60 minutes Massage?

Most etiquette experts who are regular clients of a masseuse support the “standard hospitality tip” of 20%. A sixty minutes massage costs an average of $80-$100, so a fine tip should be between $16-$20. You could go beyond the recommended range if you get a top-tier service.

How Much Should You Tip For a Two Hours Massage?

An entire two-hour massage session would involve applying various massage techniques such as active release, acupressure, etc. Following the standard tipping principle, you can leave a tip of $20-$30 tip or more for a $150 bill.

Should You Tip a Sports Massage Therapist?

Athletics, footballers, and sports enthusiasts who generally undergo lots of physical activities require the services of a sports massage therapist frequently.

These professionals are academically trained in manipulating the muscles, tendons, and tissues of the body to provide comfort. Priority is given to the muscles, mainly using shiatsu and Swedish massage techniques.

They also educate athletes on injury prevention and also aid in the process of rehabilitation after severe injury. If you’re an active sportsman, you would agree that a session with a massage therapist is gratifying.

A ninety-minute session with a sports masseuse costs an average of $105-$165. Different factors, such as type, need, location, and length of therapy, determine the price.

How Much Should You Tip For a Couple’s Massage?

It is known that getting a massage alongside your partner can increase your bond and affection. Applying essential oils, soothing background music, and aromatherapy can create a relaxing and romance-filled atmosphere.

This shared lovely experience involves using specific massage techniques as recommended by the masseuse to relieve tension, stress, and muscle aches. A couple’s massage costs an average of $80-$200 per hour. After a beautiful session, you should leave a nice tip of $16-$25.

How Much Should You Tip For a $50 Massage?

Despite its affordability, a $50 massage session offers several benefits. After a relaxing session, a 20% tip of $10 is not wrong. You can increase the amount depending on the quality of service received.

Where to Leave a Tip After a Massage Session

Tips make up a significant part of a masseuse’s income, especially if such a fellow works as an employee in a spa. If you’re confused about the right way to give a tip, here are the answers for you.

• You can give a tip directly to the massage therapist after your pleasant session with them.

• Take note of certain spas which an envelope where you could put in your tip, and write the name of your masseuse behind it.

• Write a short appreciation letter to your masseuse and put it in an envelope alongside your tip.

Do You Tip a Massage Therapist Covered by Insurance?

If your doctor prescribes massage therapy for you, let’s say to aid quick healing of an injury, your therapy would be covered by health insurance. You don’t have to pay for a service before deciding whether to tip or not. Let your tip reflect the excellent service received; a nice way to show appreciation to the masseuse for a job well done.

You can leave a tip based on the average cost of massage therapy which is $80-$100. With that in mind, your masseuse will appreciate a tip of $16-$20. If you’re impressed and can afford more than the initial tipping range, do well to increase the tip.

Should You Tip if You’re Unsatisfied With Massage Therapy?

You might not feel the need to leave a tip if you had a massage session that was not refreshing. Failing to leave a tip after receiving a terrible service is not incriminating; no one would punish you do doing that. Instead, you could call your masseuse’s attention to areas where you don’t feel relief or opt for a better technique next time.

Are you feeling the need to abide by the tipping etiquette despite poor service? If you reside in the US, you might have imbibed the tipping culture so much that you can’t seem to patronize a service provider without leaving a tip. An encouragement tip of $5-$10 would be appreciated.

Final Thoughts

Massage therapists dedicate their lives to providing people, including couples and sports-people, with maximum comfort in their bodies. Don’t hesitate to leave a good tip if you have an exciting massage experience.

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