How Much to Tip Your Hairdresser

Your trust and confidence in your hairdresser’s skill are what builds your relationship with them. This is because most people dedicate their time to searching for someone who can transform their hair looks in a way others will admire.

After a session with these hair beauticians, especially if you’re pleased with your new look, you might be confused about how much to tip them. How much should you tip a hairdresser without feeling like it’s insufficient or too much for them? Well, that will depend on how much the service costs. However, there’s a consensus on tipping 10 to 15% of the service fee.

How Much To Tip A Hairdresser On 100$ Or Less?


No matter how easy the service rendered by your hairdresser might seem, it is necessary to tip them because it makes up a quantifiable fraction of their wages. The hairdressing service might be as simple as changing your hair color, washing, or trimming.

Such services usually cost less than 100$, and according to general opinion, it is advisable to tip your hair beautician about 10 to 15% of the service cost, which is about 10$-15$.

How Much to Tip a Hairdresser on 200$ Spend?

The best way to appreciate your hairdresser is to tip them generously without a grudge. If your hairstylist presents you with a service bill of 200$, you can tip them as much as 40$ which is twenty percent of your bill. If you feel that amount is too cheap for the service rendered, you can either make it higher or use a rate of 10$ per hour of work.

How Much to Tip a Hairdresser on 300$ Spend?

Assessing this question from a general angle, etiquette experts would advise that you follow the “rule of thumb” in tip giving: for every service rendered, you should tip between 15% to 20% of the service charge.

So, for a 300$ spend, you can give your hairstylist a tip of either 45$ or 60$. If you’re very excited about your new look and can afford more than a 20$ tip, you can give way more to encourage your hairdresser.

How Much To Tip a Hairdresser During The Holidays?

During Easter, Christmas, New Year, or Halloween holidays, you get the privilege of getting leave or days off to celebrate with your family and friends. Still, hairdressers are quite an exception because they get busy during the holiday, and people often require their services for Christmas, Easter, or even a Halloween hair makeover.

It is essential to show them how much you respect their sacrifice and duty to beautify you by giving them a very nice tip, either in cash or in the form of a present. You can beautifully wrap gifts they can appreciate, and make sure to add a cute card stating how much you appreciate their efforts towards rendering outstanding service.

Does the 15%–20% Tip Apply All The Time?

Etiquette enthusiasts believe in the 15%–20% tip rule, but this principle is not applicable in all scenarios. It is essential to know that tipping is recommended to be flexible and in alliance with how much you feel comfortable enough to give.

Some people might love their new hairstyle so much that they give the hairstylist a tip as high as 25% to 30%, while some might not be too pleased with the final result but still choose to tip the hairdresser about 10% or probably less, just for etiquette sake.

What If You Are Not Pleased With The Service or Final Look?

This is a common question when it comes to tipping hairdressers. Some hair beauticians reject any form of tips once they notice displeasure on the faces of their clients; others may offer to redo the service till it pleases the client.

In situations where you are dissatisfied with the service, let your hairdresser know where you’ll like to make adjustments in case of a next appointment or if you both agree on a redo.

It is also advisable to leave a tip to encourage your hairdresser to do better and show that you are willing to maintain your stance as a client.

Can’t Afford to give your hairdresser a tip?

Hairdressers will most likely not reject a tip, no matter how small it may seem. Any hairdresser who rejects a tip or underestimates a client for failing to leave a tip is likely very unprofessional, but that does not make the culture of tipping mandatory. In some places, e.g., America, failing to drop an excellent tip is considered inconsiderate or rude.

Legally, you have the choice of giving a tip or not, so when you realize you do not have enough to tip your hairdresser, you can promise a better tip next time, be sure to keep to your words next time. You can also recommend your hairdresser to people around you.

Is It Okay Not To Tip a Hairdresser?

A hairdresser’s job is not easy because it takes hours to achieve, coupled with great dedication and patience. Though tipping is voluntary, one should realize that many hairdressers depend mainly on the tip and not the wages received because they have to remit a certain percentage to the salon or take care of other bills.

Tipping is a way of holding your hairdresser in high esteem and deepening your relationship with your stylist, so you shouldn’t hesitate to gift your stylist tips. A responsible hairdresser with excellent customer service should not criticize you for not giving a tip.

Tipping a Hairdresser – World View

In North America, tipping is considered to be very important in the hairstyling industry. Most American hairdressers believe that if a client can afford a hair session of 100$ or more, they should not find a tip as low as 10$ too challenging to give. A 15%–20% tip of the service charge is ideal in North America.

Asian countries like Japan, China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, do not see the principle of tipping as necessary or of great importance. Most countries across Africa don’t practice tipping either. In West Africa, Hairdressers appreciate consistent customers who refer other people.

Some hairdressers view the culture of tipping after settling bills as unnecessary. Tipping is recommended after a good hair session or if the client is superbly pleased with the final hair look.

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